Bulbs for indoors
Summer flowering
- New in 2025
- Anemone
- Arisaema
- Begonia
- Caladium
- Canna
- Crocosmia
- Dahlia, Anemone-flowered
- Dahlia, Ball
- Dahlia, Cactus and Semi-Cactus
- Dahlia, Collarette
- Dahlia, Dark Angel
- Dalhia, Decorative
- Dahlia, Decorative, water lily
- Dahlia, Fimbriata
- Dahlia, Gallery
- Dahlia, Happy Single
- Dahlia, Karma
- Dahlia, Single-flowered
- Dahlia, Star-shaped, Orchid
- Dahlia, Miscellaneous
- Dahlia, Peony-flowered
- Dahlia, Pompon
- Gladiolus
- Iris
- Lilium
- Nerine
- Orchids
- Ornamental Grasses
- Oxalis (clover)
- Perennials
- Ranunculus
- Solomon's Seal
- Trillium
- Zantedeschia (Calla)
- Other summer flowering bulbs A-L
- Other summerflowering bulbs M-Z
- Gardening, supplies
- Seeds
Spring flowering
- Allium
Miscellaneous bulbs
- Anemone
- Arum
- Bellevalia
- Camassia
- Chionodoxa
- Corydalis
- Cyclamen
- Dichelostemma
- Eranthis
- Eremurus
- Erythronium
- Fritillaria
- Galanthus
- Geranium
- Gladiolus H
- Hermodactylus
- Hyacinthoides
- Ipheion
- Ixiolirion
- Leucojum
- Lilium
- Muscari
- Nectaroscordum
- Ornithogalum
- Oxalis
- Puschkinia
- Ranunculus
- Scilla
- Triteleia
- Zantedeschia H
- Crocus
- Hyacinths
- Iris
Narcissus, daffodils
- Narcissus, trumpet daffodils
- Narcissus, large-cupped daffodils
- Narcissus, small-cupped daffodils
- Narcissus, double daffodils
- Narcissus, triandrus daffodils
- Narcissus, cyclamineus daffodils
- Narcissus, jonquilla daffodils
- Narcissus, tazetta daffodils
- Narcissus, poeticus daffodils
- Narcissus, bulbocodium
- Narcissus, split-corona daffodils
- Narcissus, miscellaneous daffodils
- Narcissus, species, wild variants and wild hybrids daffodils
- Tulips, Coronet
- Tulips, Darwin-hybrid
- Tulips, double-flowered
- Tulips, Duc van Tol
- Tulips, single late
- Tulips, single early
- Tulips, Fosteriana
- Tulips, fringed
- Tulips, Greigii
- Tulips, Kaufmanniana
- Tulips, lily-flowered
- Tulips, parrot
- Tulips, Triumph
- Tulips, Viridiflora
- Tulips, multi-flowering
- Tulipa, species
- Autumn flowering
- Mixtures & Special offers
Bulbs for indoors
Summer flowering
Gardening, supplies
Spring flowering
Autumn flowering
- Mixtures & Special offers
Bulbs for indoors
Summer-flowering bulbs will be available to order from the beginning of February.
Dahlia, Gallery
Genetically low-growing dahlias with a height between 25 and 45 cm. They produce a compact, well-branching plant and bloom from early in the summer until late in the fall. Rich flowering, very suitable for bedding planting and in the mixed border. Because of the compact growth also an ideal pot plant.
Dahlia, Gallery
Genetically low-growing dahlias with a height between 25 and 45 cm. They produce a compact, well-branching plant and bloom from early in the summer until late in the fall. Rich flowering, very suitable for bedding planting and in the mixed border. Because of the compact growth also an ideal pot plant.
There are 5 products.
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Dahlia 'Gallery Art Nouveau' ®
A piece
Available to order from the 31st of January 2025
Dahlia 'Gallery Leonardo' ®
A piece
Available to order from the 31st of January 2025
Dahlia 'Gallery Rembrandt' ®
A piece
Available to order from the 31st of January 2025